maandag 15 november 2010

Ethical Behavior Brings Tangible Benefits to Organizations

The return on investments is massively important for a company. Pragmatic accountants will inspect the benefits of the ethic systems as well. A study by Walker Information, a global stakeholder research firm, gives empirical evidence of a link between ethical behavior and good financial performances.

The study handles two major benefits. First of all it reports that a higher outcome is achieved when a company keeps it's employees satisfied. This is caused by various factors such as: more effective recruitment; higher retention; and better morale, loyalty, motivation, and productivity.

Secondly the study clarifies that "good corporate citizenship" includes enhancement of the brand image. As mentioned in my previous blog, customers attach considerable importance to the ethical policy of a company. It can be a crucial factor in the purchasing decision of most consumers.

I think this are very important benefits of ethical behavior in a company. But maybe we should think if there are other advantages.

Benoit Germonpré

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